Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Travellin' a crap long time part 3, the final chapter.

So now were taking off from where left off. Jackass then went up to one house inhabited by Ray "Killer" Jones. Decided in making up crap magazine as the most safe name ever, since "Yvonne R-Bite yer head off." "Hello, would you like a knife." "Well my other is a bit blunt and I'm holding a hostage." "Sir isn't that hostage the back of your head?" "WHAT??!!! Thats just a mirror behind me, you fool." "Oh sorry, bye." "Nope, I think I'll hold you hostage." "Well I'll think you'll hold me BALONEY!!!!!!!" "Come back here, I havent done covering you with disturbing conversations. Oh well I think something will happen that will happen that will help me... Something will happen." "Jonny D thats your cue." ''Oh ok, how would you like a puppy I am currently yanking by the ears." "Wheres the others?" "On my ass biting me." "Hey kid you gullable?" "Oh yes very sir someone once said I'd get an amazing job playing the role of someone called Jonny D." Director: Right I'm halving your wages. "Oh come on I didn't mean what I said. You're halving my BALONEY!" "Some other weirdo shouted baloney that I know of." Who, Richard Gere? "No a guy with a sock on his hand." WHAT???!!! OH CRAPBALLS, THAT WAS JACKASS, WHERE DID HE GO??" "Down that alley there." Thats a squirell. "So? Follow the squirell it shall lead you." "So he ran and ran and ran and ran until his pants fell down." "Oh I got my just desserts."
JACKASS!! "JONNY D!!!!!" My hometown is rigged to... crap. "Ewwww to much information." No it wasn't rigged to crap. It was rigged to blow and now it has been blown to pieces. "Thats unfortunate 'cause mine is and has been blown too. OH DAMN!!!!!"
R.I.P. All the characters who have now been killed.
R.I.Peace out,
Not R.I.P. Jonny D.

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