Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Three Musketeers.

So you're asthmatic, allergic to banks, plus homicidal? Well I think I know what to do here... "No don't worry I'll sort this out I'm throwing this top cat name plaque at you." Oh you almost had it, oh hey Jonny D here reporting to you from the police station? That doesn't seem right? Director: My bad, it should say community centre. Take two. From the community centre even though at the tango classes are on. Jackass is up there doing the tango. "Living a viva loca!!" So we're auditioning for some people to help us in our robbery, so far we've rejected Gary "Cop squealer" Jones and Mr Body Problems. Looks like we'll just have to settle for the tin of peas. "Ole" Well Jackass agrees with me. (During the first robbery) "Jonny D, your face masks don't fit the tin of peas." They're not face masks they're my mums tights. "No wonder they smell like streetwise bums." Oi shut up... its part time streetwise bum to you." Now to get AHHHHHHHHGHH. "Now to get what tripping over that jump rope okay I'll tr-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Oh crap its blind man Jimmy you woke him up. "Mr.Tibbs Mr. Tibbs?" He has a guide cat? "This is gonna hard even if he is blind, oh no its not he fell down the stairs." Good lets get moving. (After the robbbery) All I got was buiscits. What about you? "Well it turned out he was unemployed and inhereted your mums will." What all 20P of it? That little crap. (At shooting practice) So you wanna get your aim just like that. Jackass, Jackass? JACKASS. "So yeah Dave there is this cloud and looks like The cheat, yeah. That one looks like Matt Le Blanc." "Did someone mention picnic baskets?" "No you're in the wrong post." "Then what the hells that guy with a picnic basket on his head doing." "I hate to break this to you Yogi Bear but thats just a twig now go along
P*** Out,
Jonny D.

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