Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Part 2 of oh damn whats it caled last goth buis... no ahhhh screw it!!!

Well in case you wan't to know yes the title is the Jonny D experience quadruple anniversary. Well can you remember what happened last time, no neither can I. So lets flashback using that thing oh whats that thing that combines a cam and a corder??? Oh yeah It's a drum so lets flashback with a drum) "ONE, TWO, ONE, TWO FOUR." "Were lapsing into a drum solo probably for the theme to mcdonalds so we'd better stop it. GUYS STOP IT!!!!!!!!!"
"Sorry boss we got carried away, look it wasn't my fault it was dave, him!" "Oh shut up Diaperbrain!" "CRYBABY!" Now then lets not recap I mean what'll happen next??!! Oh kids this note has been handed to me that says the Faklands have been invavded? Oh well that doesn't fit in very well.
3 hours later.
"Look Director I wish to register a complaint."
What will happen next time will we get this story done or will Jonny D fire his director?? The voting number is 0800 6785 Have a nice day.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Freddy Ts In love

I think its time to get the ping pong balls out. Well then here at Luigis Pizza restaurant..... takeaway, theres the pizza covering the girls face. I'll go in (Pink Panther theme.) Hello my name is errrrrrr Jeff Lebowski I want to buy a get that pizza out of you're girlfriends face pizza. "Hey, wait a minute its my boss." "Hey wadda ya know its My assistant Frederick Thompson, so whos the girl?" "Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, erm Holly Golightly?" "Look I know a lie when I see one you know that right?"
To be continued,
Pies out,
Jonny D.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hurricane Barry strikes back with force.

Hello, do you any of you regognicse this post "say goodbye" If so then yes hurricane barry has struck back. Now we are living in Argus's bomb shelter, you can vote one of us out every week now. Voting hours are between 08:00 AND 18:00 if you're excited press one or if your as bored as every else press 2. If you have miss dialled and mistaken 0800 5674857294576492203847575r73211375257643532 for 999 please stay on the line. If you hear that you have got the wrong number our number is 4 5. Now a word from our sponsor: Its the cereal that suprisingly tasteds like nothing in strawberry flavour. (CRAAAAAAKKKKLLLEEE)
Peas out, Please out, Preach out?
Jonny D