Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Travellin' a crap long time part 3, the final chapter.

So now were taking off from where left off. Jackass then went up to one house inhabited by Ray "Killer" Jones. Decided in making up crap magazine as the most safe name ever, since "Yvonne R-Bite yer head off." "Hello, would you like a knife." "Well my other is a bit blunt and I'm holding a hostage." "Sir isn't that hostage the back of your head?" "WHAT??!!! Thats just a mirror behind me, you fool." "Oh sorry, bye." "Nope, I think I'll hold you hostage." "Well I'll think you'll hold me BALONEY!!!!!!!" "Come back here, I havent done covering you with disturbing conversations. Oh well I think something will happen that will happen that will help me... Something will happen." "Jonny D thats your cue." ''Oh ok, how would you like a puppy I am currently yanking by the ears." "Wheres the others?" "On my ass biting me." "Hey kid you gullable?" "Oh yes very sir someone once said I'd get an amazing job playing the role of someone called Jonny D." Director: Right I'm halving your wages. "Oh come on I didn't mean what I said. You're halving my BALONEY!" "Some other weirdo shouted baloney that I know of." Who, Richard Gere? "No a guy with a sock on his hand." WHAT???!!! OH CRAPBALLS, THAT WAS JACKASS, WHERE DID HE GO??" "Down that alley there." Thats a squirell. "So? Follow the squirell it shall lead you." "So he ran and ran and ran and ran until his pants fell down." "Oh I got my just desserts."
JACKASS!! "JONNY D!!!!!" My hometown is rigged to... crap. "Ewwww to much information." No it wasn't rigged to crap. It was rigged to blow and now it has been blown to pieces. "Thats unfortunate 'cause mine is and has been blown too. OH DAMN!!!!!"
R.I.P. All the characters who have now been killed.
R.I.Peace out,
Not R.I.P. Jonny D.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Travellin' a crap long time part 2.

In the last episode... The Lodge and The mental institute were rigged to blow in an attempt to contact each other it always fails. So far Jonny D is an outlaw in cartoon world and jackass is being held by some big ape. Continued: So what all I did was kill danger mouse and some dull yet comical man no biggie. "CARTOON ARMY MARCH!!!" What the? Ohhh Jesus. "Okay then does anyone know how to kill someone? Yes Hong Kong Fooie." "Uhh hang on let me get out my book." "Cat could you help us out. Yes very well demonstrated and on King Rollo as well. YAY." Oh its the Cartoon army. Meanwhile at Jonny Ds house. Jackass: Where is he, Mr. Pitters have you seen him. "Yeah but you Have to BRAVE THE BIGGEST EVil." "Mr. Pitters you forgot to shout when you said il." "Who cares you have to-" "So this is the ultimate evil, Dungeons and dragons???" "Yeah beat me and I'll tell you where he is." Eight hours later (when someone was finishing a word.) -ck. "Mr Pitters swearing isnt an option." "Okay then I'll fight the wombats." "Unfortunately the wombats were just a typo The Invincible Dragon who is ruler of the world kills you." "So what did I do to the wombats." "You died" "Lets play cluedo instead." Five hours later. -Mustard. "I think it was that blue warhammer guy, with the monopoly shoe in the disco room." "Oh this is boring. Lets play the kill Mr.Pitters game." Five hours later: Mr.Pitters: Isn't this twister?" Meanwhile in cartoon land: Okay then Mole you find him. "Okay, hey I got him." "Mole all you are doing is gently massaging our statue of Dan Akroyd." "Oh... ewwwwww." Uh oh Moles coming over here I'd better do something I know (Jonny D throws Mole) (New mole throwing record 450 metres.) "What do we do now sarge?" "What do you think we do we camp out and eat Jam sandwiches and wait until Mole gets here. And so, the campers eventually exploded with Jam sandwiches and Jonny D escaped from a fate worse than exploding because of Jam sandwiches. Meanwhile somewhere in an auction in Calcutta. "A genuine Mole anyone a genuine dead Mole anyone going once going twice sold to Michael Jackson." "YES!"
"I'm singing a song in the street generic street song. Isn't life wonderful?" "No it isn't lifes sucks." "Who the hell are you." "We're the... mental institute gang." "Hey I was in a mental institute." "Why?" "I dunno something to do with Henry Fonda." "So it was you." "Yeah uh oh." And so they chased Jackass until they lost him when he went into their secret lair at which point they went to look for him in spain. Jonny D then walked passed where Jackass was hiding, according to Jackass it was just a beaver. At which point Jackass was on pot. He also claims to have seen God score a home run. Jonny D: Its about time a got a job. Hey heres the job centre I want something big and fancy. Meanwhile in the cardboard factory or Jonny Ds fancy workplace. Oh thats it I'm gonna get one of them dead comical jobs holding a piece of glass that people are supposed to go through. Jackass: I'm gonna get a job too. Meanwhile at someones house "Ma'm have you ever wondered what lifes all about well its all about butcher knifes tommorrows dinner is gonna be great when you chop up and eat these knives.
To be continued,
Peace stout in a tin,
Jonny D.

Travellin' a crap long time.

"Welcome to Jenny D world news, I am your host guy in baker queue." Oh hey guys klets watch my sisters news show. They are gonna be reviewing cans bobporn and a bit of normal Shaun??? What kind of a name is that? "In unrelated news The Lodge is rigged to blow." OH MY GOD BETTER TELL EVERYONE I KNOW!! Mr pitters did you hear the news? "Yeah I heard the news MY ASS!!" Ha thats a good one Mr. Pitters. Lonely Arse. Who else do I know oh yeah jackass. Meanwhile in the mental hospital. "TV is good TV is good and I'm mental AND I'M MENTAL." "Hey, Jackass where'd you get the TV?" "I used my temptational skills." "No I really wanna know." "Okay so I said pretty please to the guard, there you have it Stan." "Have what?" "I dunno this knife?" "Thats a cactus." "Oh well lets watch the mental channel." Newscaster: And so Fluffy the kitten found out the consequences. In unrelated news the mental institute is rigged to blow. "Oh my god I'd better tell Mr. Critters, oh wait hes a guy I made up. I'd better find Jonny D and tell him the news." And so he ran and ran and ran until his pants fell down. "I'd better pull them up." He would however find something out. "Oh no theres a sign on that open door saying please do not walk out of here but I think I will. "Stop there C.C." Said benny the guard. "Oh well I'd better be a good boy. Hey look an open window I think I might jump. That went well. Meanwhile on the same road Jackass is jumping onto. Tom Tom: Go straight on at the man you will run over. Driver: What? Jackass: Oh sweet Jesus. Driver: Tom Tom what do I do. Tom Tom: Turn left at the jerk on your window. Jackass: No No you're driving into a barbershop. Oh god. Tom Tom:You drove into a barbershop you jerk. Turn right at the dead person. Driver: Which one there are so many. "Hopefully nothing will get in the way." Citizen: Look out kid theres a giant ape you're walking into. "What oh crap its King Kong! He's gonna take me to the top of the empire state building. (Five minutes later.) "I'm overcome with excitement I'm at the very top of the petrol station." (meanwhile in Jonny Ds world.) According to my calculations I'm in a land made entirely out of cartoons which is not good and- Dangermouse: Do you need help? "Yes yes I do now I'm-" Dangermouse: Never fear Dangermouse is here. "Okay as much as I respect you as a cartoon I'm afraid I have to hit you very hard with baseball bats. HUTTAGH DIE YOU FREAKIN' MOUSE!!" Some guy: I'm afraid you just killed dangermouse. "Yes I know but." Some random guy: Dangermouse did he kill you. "He can't answer he's slightly dead." Now we're gonna have to take you to prison." "No you're not look even when I prod you, you would probably die oh and you did AHHH I'M AN OUTLAW.
Be continued.
Jonny D.

The Three Musketeers.

So you're asthmatic, allergic to banks, plus homicidal? Well I think I know what to do here... "No don't worry I'll sort this out I'm throwing this top cat name plaque at you." Oh you almost had it, oh hey Jonny D here reporting to you from the police station? That doesn't seem right? Director: My bad, it should say community centre. Take two. From the community centre even though at the tango classes are on. Jackass is up there doing the tango. "Living a viva loca!!" So we're auditioning for some people to help us in our robbery, so far we've rejected Gary "Cop squealer" Jones and Mr Body Problems. Looks like we'll just have to settle for the tin of peas. "Ole" Well Jackass agrees with me. (During the first robbery) "Jonny D, your face masks don't fit the tin of peas." They're not face masks they're my mums tights. "No wonder they smell like streetwise bums." Oi shut up... its part time streetwise bum to you." Now to get AHHHHHHHHGHH. "Now to get what tripping over that jump rope okay I'll tr-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Oh crap its blind man Jimmy you woke him up. "Mr.Tibbs Mr. Tibbs?" He has a guide cat? "This is gonna hard even if he is blind, oh no its not he fell down the stairs." Good lets get moving. (After the robbbery) All I got was buiscits. What about you? "Well it turned out he was unemployed and inhereted your mums will." What all 20P of it? That little crap. (At shooting practice) So you wanna get your aim just like that. Jackass, Jackass? JACKASS. "So yeah Dave there is this cloud and looks like The cheat, yeah. That one looks like Matt Le Blanc." "Did someone mention picnic baskets?" "No you're in the wrong post." "Then what the hells that guy with a picnic basket on his head doing." "I hate to break this to you Yogi Bear but thats just a twig now go along
P*** Out,
Jonny D.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Day, I mean hour, I mean minute I mean 10 past four. We're all pretty nervous especially Jackass he says theres a leprechaun taunting him "I don't just say, I say, I hear, I taste, I touch, I smell and you know why I'm normal I'M NORMAL." Small world. We're on The M6 On Junction 66 many people call it Satan's junction. But I think me and those people our car hit beg to differ, look at them brave people. Brave and dead people. (Back to reality) Dear Diary, AKA Jackasses face I'm eating oranges were on the m9 On juction 99 and there is a leprechaun doing an Irish dance for us between the seats. His name is Shamus he's a part time ruler of the world, but hes a fun part time ruler of the world. He also does children's parties. He tells us loads of stories of Holland I mean Ireland. Oh well gotta go, jackass is getting delirious from ink, Jonny D. "Th Th thank you J-j-j-j-j onny D." Wait I forgot to write peace out got any eyeball space? "Y-Y-Yeah." How does it feel are you okay? "Shamus Has got Peace out tattooed on his face." (Back to real reality) Dear Diary I'm sleeping.
Well here we are army camp. "Yes the toilets are amazing what do you call this." Errr Jackass thats soap. "Too late I ate it." Jackass did it not occur to you that it was multicoloured? "Jonny D did it not occur to you that you did not wash your hands." I didn't go to the toilet. "But its infested with germs." So is your bed AKA a grid. "Oh well lets go to that obstacle course." No Jackass thats the girls toilets. "Is there nothing but toilets at this camp?" Yeah I was wondering that oh wait this is just a rest stop. Back on the coach.
"Do you wanna look at my portable DVD player?" Like yeah!! "Ok then which series?" Jackass these are just episodes of Bagpuss, and this ones Hello Kitty which isnt even a TV show! "I know I made it."
In army camp. "IF YOU DON'T CLIMB THAT PEBBLE IN TWO SECONDS WHY I'M GONNA GIVE YOU SO MANY LINES!!!!" Sir he has a fear of pebbles. "AND I'VE GOTTA HEADACHE AND WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT???" Well I could give you these paracetamol. "Hey now I don't need to shout. You don't have to get to the top of the pebble Jackass. Jackass?" "He's passed out with fear."
Lunchtime. Whats for dinner today Lunchlady Gretel? "Gruel from only the finest yaks take it or leave it." "Know me and Jonny D came to a solution due to crap food we shall eat the walls." "Clever." "Hi its Seargant Hackney whats for dinner today." "Roast chicken if you know what I mean hehe." "Well yeah you mean roast chicken." "Yak crap for you." "I'll just eat what there eating." You know Jackass with some maple sauce this could taste real good.
Now to end our trip to Army camp lets have a song.
63 bottle of peace out on the wall,
63 bottles of Jonny D.

The turdies awards.

Onto the awards now best performance: Jonny D: Post no 50. Jackass: Post No 50. Freddy T: On tour part 3 and Jackass again in Isn't this exciting and the winner is. JACKASS POST NO 50!!!
Now for best post: Post no 50, The Jonny D experience Quadruple anniversary, The on tour series and part 2 of whats it called last goth buis... No ahhh screw it!!! And the winner is..... Post 50.
For best music its On tour part two: I'm trapped Rhinestone playin at Prom night: We dunno what its called. Jenny D world News: Sports theme song and Argus the tormentor with: When I find that crap Jonny D I'll Kill him. The winner is I'm Trapped... here to accept this award is the guy in the baker queue I'd just like to say I feature a lot more in TV now.
The winner is,
Here to accept the award is Jonny D.

Post No 50.

Hello its party time its post number 50, everyones here Jackass, my dad even that vulture from post 48. Look at everyone I mean look at no one.. WHAT NO ONE!!! Something gives me the feeling Jackass did this or rather. Some writing on the wall saying "I kidnapped your guests You'll never know who I am, signed Jackass" does. (Meanwhile in the hideout) You know what I like on my pizzas right. "Yeah I'll phone em now, one doughnut please just a doughnut. Where to send to well look Jackass I really don't wanna say this." "Go on." "I'll tell you where not to send this Paraguay. "See that went well now phone the police." "Do the police take orders for doughnuts??"
"They do now" "Just cause you say it does it make it true." "I dunno ask that guy." "(Jimi Hendrix playin Voodoo child.) "What the hell is Jimi Hendrix doing next to you?" "We were mates from school weren't we Jimi. Jimi? JIMI?" "Wait thats just a sock on the end of your hand." "ITS MR SOCKO TO YOU. JEFF WHEN YOU'RE AT HOME MR. SOCKO WHEN YOUR IN THE OFFICE!!" "I'm not at home." "You're not at the office either cause you smell. I think." "Look can you just hold us hostage on webcam." "Not at all to the cabmobile." Don't you mean the cab." "Look can we change actors I don't like this guy." Director: Okay this is who we got someone who wants to kill you, Tom Cruise and Girls Aloud." "GIRLS ALOUD WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING HERE. Ehh theyre hot I choose them. I mean I choose you Pikachu." " No you don't you mean I choose them." "You still here?"
Where the hell could my guests be? Oh I'm sure its not the place that says Jackasses secret hideout on the front of it in massive writing. I'm going in. (Five minutes later) What kind of name is that for a strip club? Where could he be. Cuts to Jackass in mcdonalds. Would you like some burnt hostages and friends with that. Take this scratch card you could win a memeber of girls aloud. "Arent you the guy who held me hostage and made me ask the police for doughnuts?" "No, I'm Captain Cab who are you."
That could be his job description weirdo selling burgers. Oh well I need friends. Hows bout this guy detective Mark. In detective Marks office. "Hello little boy I'm here collecting picnic baskets." What the hells going on." Oh I'll never find them. Hey theres a kid on the sidewalk who dropped his ice cream. Hey kid I'll get you a new Ice cream if you give me the location of a madman. "A new ice cream and that bear thats following you." "Did someone mention picnic baskets?" Oh god not you. Where could he be. "So Kelvin Kline I call these trousers what do you think? "Get out of my sight."
One more kids cartoon rip off and I sware I'll move house. "Jonny D, did you know my wings are like a shield of steel." What the hell is this who framed Roger Rabbit?
Meanwhile about a centimetre away from Jonny D. "Money for the poor and for the sock." "I'm a sock and I'm desperate." Here you go lowlife. "Oh wow 10p ohh my god that is absolutely delicious. Wait a minute thats Jackass. "Wait a minute thats Jonny D, Oh Jonny D I'm sorry I ran over your dog." You ran over my dog? "Cut. Take 2." "Jonny D I'm sorry I ran over your dog. "I have a dog?" "Oh it must be that lady who threw herself of that bridges dog." Okaaay that was disturbing. Can I have my guests back. "Sure why not?"
Tonight we're gonna party like its 1999 but its not.
50th peace out,
Jonny D

Exciting now aint it?

Just one glorious post away this is gonna be a short one so I have more time to work on post no 50. Okay then this is what people think i should do according to my fan mail okay its just 84 pages of dies. One person says I should give Jackass a big part okay I'll call him. Okay yeah uh hu yeah you want salad dressing too okaaaaaay no I'm calling to give you a part. Ok uh hu no for the last time I'm not Jimi Hendrix look if you wanna pizza get here at....
Peace OUT,
Jonny D.

Party set up.

No the DJ decks are not for making cakes with the clues in the name. Oh hey, we're setting up the party and its going terrible. I ordered a bouncy castle and hour ago where the hell is it. Oh here it is. Oh Great a kiddy trampoline this should ease my FREAKING WORRIES I'LL KILL YOU ALL I'LL KILL YOU ALL. I need a chill pill I ordered them an hour ago too. Arguses cake has gotten to the point where it is somehow pointy seriously a blind beaver could cook better than him. Speaking of which, hows the fries going on blind beaver, oh those fries are curly precisely how I wanted them cooked. Oh my chill pills came, but there just smarties oh well waste not want not. I never quite understood how that phrase worked. I wasted it of course I don't freaking want it. Oh well. Ahhhh heavan lalalala sprinkling heaven an you Argus. "Are you sure thats not shotgun bullets are you certain? No there bowls of cap'n crunch, weird." I sprinkle heaven on you too Steve. "AHHHHH HEAVEN!!! Satan I have betrayed you." I'm not an Arab I sprinkle heaven on you. "Look can't a guy a guy read Archie Comics for two minutes!??" Weird unkown guy I sprinkle heaven on you. " FOR GODS SAKE I'M A VULTURE HOW MANY TIMES DO PEOPLE GET IT WRONG!!!" I sprinkle good names on you Moon Unit. "Hey Gary." "Finally my life is complete." And for you Jenny D I sprinkle- What th hell is going on?? "Okay who tattooed what the hell is going on, on my head. That sucked heavy ass. And why are people calling my brother Gary?? I think I need some chloroform.
Jonny D,
Peace out.

On Tour Part 3.

I'll think I'll colour the pig pink. Oh hello, errr you just caught me reading war and peace I think. Were on the airplane home I put cameras on the band members ha ha good times. Lets have a look at Freddie T. "Look I can make my calculator say shoes. Look at it, look isn't it brilliant." Air hostess- Another happy meal sir. "If you please, hey look at my calculator shoes ha ha. Air hostess- Hey look what my piece of paper says when you turn it upside down. "Go to hell oh that is a good one. Hey look I got a Rupert bear toy."
That was immensely disturbing, lets have a look at I'm not an Arab. "Hey that's it you tell him Archie." Okay that was about as much as I could take. Theres no joke about that. Okay then whats for the airline movie. Ohhh a double helping of Dogtanian thats about as much as I can take. I wanna get off. I'll get the air hostess, erm excuse me could you tell the captain to stop here I want to get off. "Oh I'm sorry the captains fast asleep. I'll have to talk to autopilot and he is very cranky." Right whos the pilot I want to send him a letter when I get back to The Lodge. "Okay, There names are the chuckle brothers." Wait what???? Its all a dream. Go Hostess. I don't need your assistance. Oh but I do need a diet coke. I'm listening to my CD collection. Garth Brooks, Echo and the bunnymen and My chemical romance oh why god why.
Another peace out sir?
Jonny D.

On Tour Part 2.

Seriously, this burger bar sucks the chef is steve hells messenger why god Why. God: Because I don't like you why else?. Ehhh point proven moving onto buisness as we all know my 50th post is about four or five posts away. So here comes a famous song called I'm trapped.

My lifes not that great, I cannot walk straight, I have trouble breathing, and trouble reading, and what is irate. I went to a proffeser Frink, he said drink drink, I agreed, But I nearly peed.
Chorus. I spend my days eating twinkies, like old mr mcguinness. And the teddy Grams build up, like my mothers hams, People say I'm dumb, I reply, not like forrest gump. I will always be wrapped plus trapped.

Thank you thank you. Lets hit the shops. God hey look its one my branches, hey look theres one of them shut up Mutt toys I thought Mothercare threw them down a grid. Ehhhhhh what can you do. Hey look an arcade, god its a bit grotty "Build your own wal-mart." Okay why not. Ten hours later. I told those ******** to get my jams by tuesday TUESDAY. Hey hes shoplifting get him guards throw him in the chokey oh come on come on the tank just missed him. Can't belive that went wrong what else is there "Sooty The Game" Why not. Ten hours later. Thats right you show scampi oh god right in the face. well that was fun.

Crease Out,
Jonny D.

On Tour

The Jonny D Experiences New Dork tour has just started its our room 101 tour. with special help from Moon Unit and friends. Its sponsored by steak ums "For the lumberjack candy lover." We're currently in the fritz hotel playing mouse trap which is crap and does not work but I like the bit at the beginning where the shoe hits the thing. Freddies watching batman you know with that guy Tom Selleck. Our new albums coming out- "Like being deloused in hell." I was being deloused at the time and wrote hell already. I'm checking my mail. Hey look I forgot to pay my bill I imagine my electricity company called this is a suicide note is getting pretty angry. Heres a fan letter lets open it, it says You think I'm your fan well your a jerk. Oh this is boring. I'm getting a dvd whats the list "Sherlock Holmes smarter brother, Plan 9 from outer space and a charlie brown christmas." Yay picked from the crappest director." Oh I'm going to the downtown burger bar.
To be continued,
These burgers are called peaced out,
Why I don't know,
Jonny D.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Jenny D World News.

Tragic. Fatal. More on that later. For now its fun fact of the day. (Theme Song) Fun Facts, Are writers just cracked, who cares about them? Maybe a hen maybe a hen. Fun Fact Of The Day: That guy who films us with a cardboard box doesn't like these. Now onto Tragic Fatal reports. They are as followed. Um go away I'm going to buy some bread" said Guy In Baker queue "Well personally I think I could answer your questions easier if you gave a question."- Said woman I bumped into on the bus stop. Now sport with Argus. (Theme Song) Tennis, Dennis, Crevis, they all rhyme but only one of them is a sport. So far at Brampton park the scores are as followed. The kids would not give us the score. On Fifa 2007 the score is creating some player. Thank you, Argus but your only supposed to get shot its the whole humor of you. "Oh go to hell, assface." "Says Dorkface." Now onto weather. " Snow rain sun and cloudy crap, I wanted to be a receptionist but noooo the world needs weather, well screw the world. SCREW SOCIETY." Foul mouth. In urgent news I left my car keys in the cafeteria, heres that guy in the baker queue. "Fool won't know a thing I took his car keys but he doesnt know." "GOD DAMN YOU BAKER GUY, I SWEAR I'M GONNA FEED YOU TO THE CARDBOARD CAMERA MAN."
The camera man says he went down well. Now onto a recreation of a murder with a guy made from cardboard being the victim well we think its cardboard. "My God what a big hole."
That Sucked out of control.
In Urgent news,
PEACE OUT, now onto sport.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Prom Night.

Heres a blog post I made at my prom.

S'up Ruby Romano ditched me for the king.. of netherlands. Our theme was fancy dress, I came as "Peppermint Patty." Argus The Deranged came as " Al Jolson." I'm not a nomad came as " That Lizard guy off spiderman who was a man." Sir Mousedenta came as "Apple Dave." Me and that guy Jackass crahed that prom totally especially when we hid a bomb in the punch. Ruby Romanos head came right off!!! That hurt though the king of Netherlands was bummed so we played jenga with him. He tried to shoot us when we said that Jenga piece flew off like Ruby Romanoes head!!
Be prepared is the exact opposite of our motto. There was a special perfomance by "Grindsone" But we were as drunk as rats we wouldn't mind it if Roy "Chubby" Brown came and did an act.
S'not fair just cause we located the heads secret heroin stash we had to eat the remains. The song In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida ran through my head. Mr Chubbleworthy the pixie said go on blow another head put another king in eternal darkness.
Peace Out,
The hippies are gonna get here show em were rebels,
Jonny D.

Jonny Ds Dreambus Minnesota Extravaganza.

Thats my new theme park, I'll take you through it.
Theres, community centre land, with Steves haunted house, night of the living mental institute. But seriously don't go on that its just Doris the mental institute cleaning lady put in an eternal loop. Finally, theres Sir Rodentas stadium arcadium, which is just a con to learn more about Robert Frost, why, we dunno.
Theres Arguses bomb shelter ( next time I ask freaking vote one of us out.) With Jonny Ds big flipper. Which is a squid that flips you around so much you start feeling melon collie however you spell that. I'm not an arabs craptacular go away I don't like you swinging dork ship. "Go to hell Jonny D." Theres a room where everything matches the season so when its Spring we dress you up as daffodils. Theres also Arguses tranquilizer dart board.
Theres Jenny Ds supermarket which is very suprisingly a ride, and finally moon units name taunter.
Peace trout,
Jonny D.

The Legacy Of Jenny D

Yesterday this Jehovas witness came up to me and well she might not have been a Jehovas witness she was selling miracle soap. Bu its turns out her name is Jenny- D Jefferson were having a party I'll put it in script for you.
Jonny D: So err look at this hat its got a prepellar on the top and when I spin it it goes wheeeeeee... no not interesting kay.
Jonny D's Mum: I'm falling for you Moon Unit.
Moon Unit jumps out of window.
Jenny D: So I'm a door to door saleswoman.
Jonny D: Thats the one it wasnt a jehovas witness or tortoise of course. Sorry. Continue your jargon.
Jenny D: So I was saying...
Jonny D's mum: I'm falling for you Jenny.
Jenny D: JESUS.
Jenny D jumps out of window.
Jonny D: I'll take the normal way out.

Jonny D: Peace Out.